Mastering IELTS Speaking: The Impact of Filler Words and How to Minimize Their Use

Mastering IELTS Speaking: The Impact of Filler Words and How to Minimize Their Use

During the IELTS Speaking test, fluency and coherence are key criteria that examiners use to assess your performance. One common issue that many test-takers face is the frequent use of filler words such as "um," "ah," "like," and "you know." Understanding how these fillers affect your score and learning strategies to minimize their use can significantly improve your speaking test performance. Here’s a comprehensive look at why filler words matter and how you can manage them effectively.

Understanding Filler Words

Filler words are sounds or words we use unconsciously while we think of what to say next. They can serve various functions in natural conversation, such as buying time or signaling that we are still speaking. However, in the context of the IELTS Speaking test, their excessive use can be detrimental to your score.

How Filler Words Affect Your IELTS Score

  1. Impact on Fluency:

    • Disrupted Flow: Frequent use of fillers can disrupt the natural flow of your speech. It may give the impression that you are struggling to find the right words or are unsure of what to say, which can negatively affect your fluency score.

    • Reduced Coherence: Excessive fillers can detract from the coherence of your response, making it harder for the examiner to follow your ideas and arguments.

  2. Perception of Proficiency:

    • Lack of Confidence: The use of fillers might be interpreted as a sign of low confidence or hesitation. This can affect the examiner’s perception of your language proficiency and comfort with speaking.

    • Limited Vocabulary: Relying on fillers can suggest a limited vocabulary or lack of preparation, impacting how your lexical resource score is evaluated.

  3. Overall Impression:

    • Professionalism: Overuse of fillers can make your speech seem less polished and professional. This can influence the examiner’s overall impression of your speaking ability.

Strategies to Minimize Filler Words

  1. Practice Mindful Speaking:

    • Pause Strategically: Instead of using fillers, practice pausing briefly to gather your thoughts. A short pause can make you appear more composed and deliberate.

    • Slow Down: Speaking more slowly can give you more time to think and reduce the need for fillers. It also enhances clarity and allows you to articulate your ideas more effectively.

  2. Enhance Your Vocabulary:

    • Learn Synonyms and Phrases: Expand your vocabulary to reduce the reliance on fillers. Learning alternative expressions and phrases can help you articulate your thoughts more clearly and confidently.

    • Practice Responses: Engage in regular speaking practice where you focus on using varied vocabulary and avoiding fillers. This can help build your confidence and fluency.

  3. Prepare and Plan:

    • Outline Key Points: Before the test, practice outlining your responses to common topics. This preparation can reduce uncertainty and the need for fillers as you’ll have a clear idea of what you want to say.

    • Use Structured Answers: Follow a clear structure in your responses (introduction, main points, conclusion) to keep your answers focused and organized.

  4. Self-Monitor and Adjust:

    • Record Yourself: Record and review your practice sessions to identify your filler word usage. This can help you become more aware of your speaking habits and make necessary adjustments.

    • Seek Feedback: Work with a teacher or language partner who can provide constructive feedback on your use of fillers and suggest areas for improvement.

  5. Engage in Active Listening:

    • Model Good Speaking: Listen to native speakers and note how they handle pauses and transitions. Mimicking their speaking style can help you develop more natural and fluent speech patterns.


While filler words are a natural part of everyday conversation, their excessive use can negatively impact your IELTS Speaking score by affecting your fluency, coherence, and overall impression. By practicing mindful speaking, enhancing your vocabulary, preparing thoroughly, and actively monitoring your language use, you can reduce the reliance on fillers and improve your speaking performance.

Approaching your IELTS Speaking test with these strategies will help you present your ideas more clearly and confidently, ultimately leading to a stronger performance and a better score. Good luck with your preparation!