100 Future Simple questions for IELTS Speaking practice

Here are 100 Future Simple questions for IELTS Speaking practice. These questions are designed to help you use the Future Simple tense ("will" or "going to") and are similar to those asked in the IELTS Speaking exam, especially in Part 1 and Part 3.

Personal Plans and Goals

  1. What will you do after you finish this IELTS exam?

  2. Are you going to study further in the future?

  3. What will you do next weekend?

  4. Do you think you will live in the same city in the future?

  5. Will you continue working in your current job for long?

  6. Are you going to travel somewhere next year?

  7. What will you do for your next birthday?

  8. Will you learn any new skills in the future?

  9. Where are you going to spend your next holiday?

  10. Do you think you will get married soon?

Career and Study

  1. What kind of job will you have in the future?

  2. Will you study abroad at some point?

  3. How will your current studies help you in your future career?

  4. Are you going to change your career path?

  5. Will you take any professional exams in the future?

  6. What will you do if you pass the IELTS exam?

  7. Do you think you will ever start your own business?

  8. How will technology impact your career in the future?

  9. Will you continue studying after you get a job?

  10. Are you going to attend any courses to improve your skills?

Travel and Leisure

  1. Where will you travel to next?

  2. Will you travel more often in the future?

  3. Are you going to visit any new countries next year?

  4. Will you take a break from work or study for travel?

  5. How will you plan your next holiday?

  6. Will you prefer solo travel or traveling with friends in the future?

  7. Are you going to visit your hometown soon?

  8. What destinations will be popular for travelers in the future?

  9. Will you explore more domestic or international destinations?

  10. Do you think travel will become easier in the future?

Family and Relationships

  1. Will you have a family of your own in the future?

  2. Are you going to visit your relatives anytime soon?

  3. How will you celebrate special family events in the future?

  4. Will you live near your family as you grow older?

  5. Are you going to have children one day?

  6. Do you think you will have the same group of friends in the future?

  7. Will your relationships with your friends change in the future?

  8. Will you spend more time with your family in the future?

  9. How will you maintain your relationships if you move abroad?

  10. Are you going to reconnect with old friends?

Housing and Living Situation

  1. Will you live in a different city or country in the future?

  2. Are you going to buy your own house or rent?

  3. Will you live in an apartment or a house?

  4. Do you think you will move to a bigger city?

  5. Will you live near your workplace or commute?

  6. Are you going to renovate your home soon?

  7. Will you live alone or with roommates in the future?

  8. Will you live in the city center or the suburbs?

  9. How will you decorate your future home?

  10. Will you invest in property in the future?

Technology and Innovation

  1. How will technology change the way we live in the future?

  2. Will you rely more on technology for work or study?

  3. Are you going to buy any new gadgets next year?

  4. Will artificial intelligence impact your life in the future?

  5. Will people use virtual reality more in the future?

  6. Are you going to upgrade your phone or computer soon?

  7. Will we depend on robots for everyday tasks in the future?

  8. How will technology change the way we communicate in the future?

  9. Do you think we will have driverless cars soon?

  10. Will technology make life easier or more complicated?

Environmental Issues and Sustainability

  1. Do you think climate change will get worse in the future?

  2. Will you take steps to live a more sustainable lifestyle?

  3. Are you going to reduce your carbon footprint in the future?

  4. Will people rely more on renewable energy in the future?

  5. How will environmental issues impact our daily lives?

  6. Will you support environmental initiatives in the future?

  7. Will people consume less plastic in the future?

  8. Are you going to participate in any environmental campaigns?

  9. Will sustainable living become more common in the future?

  10. Will people adopt more eco-friendly habits?

Hobbies and Free Time

  1. Will you take up any new hobbies in the future?

  2. Are you going to start exercising regularly?

  3. Will you join any clubs or organizations in the future?

  4. How will your hobbies change as you grow older?

  5. Are you going to spend more time on creative activities?

  6. Will you learn to play a musical instrument?

  7. Will you have more free time in the future?

  8. How are you going to spend your leisure time after retirement?

  9. Will you try out new sports in the future?

  10. Will you continue your current hobbies as you get older?

Health and Fitness

  1. Will you focus more on your health in the future?

  2. Are you going to start eating healthier?

  3. Will you join a gym or fitness class?

  4. Do you think healthcare will improve in the future?

  5. Are you going to change your daily routine to be more active?

  6. Will you take part in any fitness challenges?

  7. Will you try new diets or eating habits in the future?

  8. Are you going to make any lifestyle changes for better health?

  9. Will you visit doctors more regularly in the future?

  10. Will mental health awareness improve in the future?

Education and Learning

  1. Will you pursue higher education in the future?

  2. Are you going to take online courses to improve your knowledge?

  3. Will education systems change significantly in the future?

  4. Are you going to encourage your children to study abroad?

  5. Will people rely more on self-learning in the future?

  6. Will technology replace traditional education?

  7. Are you going to learn new languages in the future?

  8. How will education evolve over the next decade?

  9. Will you continue to develop your skills throughout your career?

  10. Will more people have access to quality education in the future?

These Future Simple questions will help you practice talking about your plans, predictions, and goals. They’re great for both Part 1 (where you talk about yourself) and Part 3 (where you discuss broader topics) of the IELTS Speaking exam.