Guide and Description for new TOEFL Writing: Academic Discussion Task 2023

Summary of the changes to the TOEFL 2023 writing section

Starting July 26th, 2023, the new TOEFL writing task will replace the independent writing task. This new task is called "Writing for an Academic Discussion." You will encounter a simulated discussion board on a university website during the exam. The setup includes a question posted by a professor and two student responses. Your task is to read the entire discussion and then write your response. The integrated task remains unchanged.

You have ten minutes to read the question and responses and write your response. According to ETS (Educational Testing Service), your response should be "at least" 100 words, and a word counter will be displayed on the screen as you write.

Question Styles: The questions may fall into three categories:

  1. State a Preference: You might be asked to express your opinion on a topic and choose between two similar things, such as whether university attendance should be optional or mandatory.

  2. Yes or No Question: You will be asked to provide a clear yes or no response to a specific question, such as whether social media influencers significantly impact society.

  3. Open-Ended: You may be given a broad question with no right or wrong answer, and you are expected to state your opinion and contribute to the discussion.

Sample Question: Yes or No

Your professor is teaching a class on marketing. Write a post responding to the professor’s question. In your response, you should: express and support your own opinion and contribute to the discussion in your own words. An effective response will contain at least 100 words.

Professor: Hello, class! Next week we will discuss social media influencers' impact on consumer behavior. With the rise of social media platforms like Instagram and YouTube, we’ve seen the emergence of a new type of celebrity: the social media influencer. These influencers have large followings and can sway consumer behavior by endorsing products or services. Here’s a question for the discussion board:

Do social media influencers have a significant impact on consumers? Why or why not?

Sophia: I think social media influencers have a significant impact. When young people admire these influencers and trust their recommendations, they are likelier to buy products or services they endorse. However, I also think there are some concerns about the authenticity of these endorsements, as some influencers may promote products they don’t really use or believe in.

Oliver: I’m not convinced that social media influencers significantly impact consumer behavior. While they may have large followings, most people are smart enough to make purchasing decisions based on their needs and preferences. Plus, there are so many influencers out there promoting different products that it can be hard to know who to trust.

Sample Answer 1

This is a challenging topic, but I think that social media influencers aren’t as significant as some people suggest. I strongly agree with Oliver’s idea that people are too smart to be influenced by them. I’d add that twenty years ago, a charismatic person might have convinced us to buy something we didn’t really need, but I think that doesn’t happen so much nowadays. That’s because we can thoroughly research what we want using blogs, consumer magazines, and social media. We can use these sources of information to find products that exactly suit our needs, so the exaggerated claims of social media influencers don’t sway us. While Sophia raised the relevant point that young people are especially vulnerable, she didn’t mention that parents these days take the time to educate their kids and monitor their internet use. As a result, young people aren’t likely to make rash decisions about what to buy.

Sample Answer 2

While I appreciate the points mentioned by Sophia and Oliver, I think social media stars aren’t particularly influential nowadays. Nowadays, consumer behavior is affected by many different things, not just what we see on the Internet. Twenty years ago, a charismatic person might have convinced us to buy something we didn’t really need, but I don’t think that happens so often today. Remember that people's choices are also influenced by their peers, family members, and traditional advertising. Hence, the Internet isn’t a dominant force in their lives. Some people may feel that influencers are more powerful than ever, but I think their impact is declining.

Both of my answers include a few key features:

  1. A very clear thesis statement at the beginning which makes my opinion totally clear.

  2. Coordinating conjunctions and subordinating conjunctions.

  3. Some challenging vocabulary choices like “dominant” and “mass media.”

Sample Question: State a Preference

Your professor is teaching a class on political science. Write a post responding to the professor’s question. In your response, you should: express and support your own opinion and contribute to the discussion in your own words. An effective response will contain at least 100 words.

Professor: Today, we will discuss the debate between economic growth and environmental protection. Economic development creates new jobs and gives people money they can use to improve their lives. On the other hand, if we protect the environment, it can be enjoyed by ourselves and future generations.

If you had to choose between prioritizing economic growth or protecting the environment, which would you choose? Why?

Liam: I would prioritize the environment. We only have one planet, and if we don’t take care of it, we won’t have pleasant lives in the future. Economic growth can be significant, but not at the expense of the environment. I think we need to shift towards more environmentally-friendly financial practices, such as investing in renewable energy and promoting environmentally-friendly technologies. We’ll all live healthier lives if the world around us is clean.

Isabella: While I agree with Liam that environmental sustainability is important, I think economic growth is the only way to solve many social and economic problems we face. We need a strong economy to create jobs, reduce poverty, and improve living standards. Also, when companies grow stronger and more profitable, they can develop new technologies that solve our environmental problems.

Sample Answer 1

This topic is challenging, but I believe we should prioritize the environment now. I strongly agree with Liam’s idea that our lives will be unpleasant if we focus entirely on economic growth. If the environment is damaged by industrial development, we’ll all be more likely to suffer from severe ailments like cancer and lung disease. These sorts of illnesses can be a real strain on our medical systems. Isabella said profitable companies may someday solve all our problems using new technology. Still, she doesn’t mention that they might arrive far too late to be of use. For example, it could take decades for an innovative company to create a clean energy source, but people are suffering from environmental catastrophes right now.

Sample Answer 2

While I appreciate the points mentioned by both Isabella and Liam, I think that we should mainly focus on economic growth. This is because our lives will become unpleasant if the economy slows down. We all have bills to pay, and those require us to earn an income. Remember that many people have families to care for, so they need to make a regular income. That is only possible if the economy continues to grow at the same rate year after year. Some people may feel that preserving the environment is more important than maintaining our current standard of living, but I tend to disagree. My main focus is on the quality of life people enjoy now, not the lives that future generations will lead.

Sample Question: Open-ended

Your professor is teaching a class on business. Write a post responding to the professor’s question. In your response, you should: express and support your own opinion and contribute to the discussion in your own words. An effective response will contain at least 100 words.

Professor: In the upcoming class, we'll be delving into the various ways companies influence the world, both positively and negatively. But before we commence, I'm eager to hear your thoughts. Here's a question for the message board: In your opinion, what is the most effective way for a company to positively impact society?

Hannah: I believe that companies should prioritize making their operations more socially and environmentally friendly. While charitable giving can be beneficial, it doesn't address the root causes of severe social and environmental problems. By conducting business more responsibly, companies can have a more meaningful and lasting impact on society. Moreover, if they attract positive attention from consumers, they could inspire other companies to do the same. That’s the only way we can truly address today's problems.

Michael: While those are excellent points, I think that companies should focus on charitable giving. Philanthropy can provide immediate relief to those in need and contribute to society's overall well-being right away. Business changes could take years or decades to impact society positively, and most people just can't wait that long.

Sample Answer 1

This is a complex topic, but I concur with Michael's perspective that donating to charity is the most effective way for companies to impact the world positively. I firmly believe that charitable contributions offer swift relief to those in need and can address urgent societal issues. Olivia rightly highlighted that problems like homelessness and food insecurity have reached critical levels, necessitating immediate action. Even a small donation can save lives and improve living conditions for many. While philanthropy can indeed attract new customers, I recognize that cost considerations often influence consumers' decisions. In challenging economic times, many prioritize affordability over a company's reputation.

Sample Answer 2

Though I appreciate Olivia and Michael's viewpoints, I firmly believe that companies should prioritize paying their employees higher salaries. In today's challenging economic landscape, people worldwide struggle to meet their basic needs due to soaring inflation and rising living costs. As we address immediate concerns like poverty and quality of life, paying fair wages can be transformative, especially for children from less privileged backgrounds. Business executives must recognize their role in enhancing the well-being of their employees and, consequently, their families. While addressing long-term issues like climate change is essential, focusing on immediate needs is equally vital, as poverty's acceleration poses a significant threat to society's future stability.

Response structure

To construct an effective response, you can consider using one of two templates:

  1. Expand and Challenge: Start by directly addressing the question and agreeing with one student's point while adding your own ideas. Then, challenge the other student's point by presenting your perspective and supporting it with examples.

  2. Independent Response: Acknowledge both students' viewpoints and appreciate their ideas. However, present an entirely new answer without relying heavily on the previous responses. Support your response with details and provide a clear argument.

Aim for a response of 120 words, employing one subordinating conjunction and three coordinating conjunctions (two of which should be unique).

Using subordinating conjunctions like "while" or "when" can enhance your response. Integrating coordinating conjunctions such as "but" or "so" can make your answer more effective. Remember, "and" might not be as impactful on the TOEFL, so focus on other coordinating conjunctions.

To achieve a perfect 5.0 score, ensure flawless grammar and stay on topic. Utilizing elaborate vocabulary is unnecessary for a high score, so stick to what you know. The sample answers provided earlier, and the templates below adhere to this formula and can be helpful in your preparation.


Template 1

This is a complex subject, but I firmly believe that [respond directly to the question].

I strongly support [student]'s idea that [mention one point made by the student].

I want to emphasize further that [expand on the point with your own idea].

While [other student] raised a pertinent point about [mention one point made by the other student], it's essential to consider that [challenge that point].

For instance, [elaborate on your challenge with your own ideas].

Template 2

While I value the viewpoints presented by both STUDENT 1 and STUDENT 2, I am inclined to differ and propose that...[elaborate on your idea for a few sentences]

Considering [elaborate on your point], it becomes evident that [elaborate on your point].

Though some may argue [mention a potential challenge], my response to this concern is [respond to this challenge].


This is how the official scoring rubrics for the highest two levels appear:

The scoring rubrics for the task look for a well-structured response that includes an argument supported by examples or details. Utilize a variety of grammatical forms and choose natural, idiomatic wordings. Grammar is crucial, so aim for correct and accurate sentence structures. The rubric emphasizes presenting a coherent response with clarity and logical organization.

Following these guidelines and templates, you can aim for a high TOEFL Writing: Academic Discussion Task score. Remember to use your own words and adjust the templates to match your writing style. Good luck with your TOEFL preparation!