100 zero conditional questions for conversation: IELTS Speaking Skills

The zero conditional expresses general truths or facts that always hold true. It is structured with the present simple tense in both the if-clause and the main clause. Here are 100 questions in the zero conditional:

  1. What happens if you mix water and salt?

  2. What occurs when you heat ice?

  3. If you push an object, what does it do?

  4. What do plants need if they want to grow?

  5. If you overeat, how do you usually feel?

  6. When it rains, what do you use to stay dry?

  7. What do batteries do if they run out of charge?

  8. What do plants do if they don't receive enough sunlight?

  9. If you heat water to 100°C, what does it do?

  10. What happens if you drop a ball from a height?

  11. If you press a button, what usually happens?

  12. How do you feel if someone scares you?

  13. When you mix blue and yellow, what color do you get?

  14. What do you do if you feel hungry?

  15. If you touch fire, what does it feel like?

  16. What happens if you turn off the light?

  17. If you leave food out for too long, what can happen?

  18. What do animals do if they sense danger?

  19. If you exercise regularly, what do you typically experience?

  20. What happens if you put an ice cube in a warm room?

  21. What do you need if you want to travel to another country?

  22. If you plant a seed in the soil, what comes out?

  23. What do you do if you want to cross the street safely?

  24. If you add sugar to hot tea, what happens?

  25. What do volcanoes do if they erupt?

  26. When you turn the steering wheel, what direction does the car go?

  27. What happens if you drop a glass on the floor?

  28. If you speak loudly, what can happen to your voice?

  29. What do you usually do next when you put a pot on the stove?

  30. What do you use if you want to measure the temperature?

  31. What is likely to happen if you don't study for a test?

  32. When you mix oil and water, what do you see?

  33. What do you need if you want to send an email?

  34. If you touch a hot stove, what do you immediately do?

  35. What happens if you plug in an electronic device?

  36. If you don't eat enough fruits and vegetables, what might happen?

  37. When you cut yourself, what comes out?

  38. What do you do if you see a spider?

  39. How do you feel the next day if you don't sleep enough?

  40. What happens if you leave food uncovered?

  41. If you drop your phone, what can happen to it?

  42. When you press the brake pedal, what does the car do?

  43. What do you use if you want to know the time?

  44. If you water plants regularly, what is the result?

  45. How do you feel if you don't wear warm clothes in cold weather?

  46. When you mix vinegar and baking soda, what happens?

  47. What do you do if you forget someone's name?

  48. How do you feel if you open a window on a hot day?

  49. What happens if you don't brush your teeth?

  50. If you throw a ball up in the air, what happens next?

  51. When you put ice cream in the sun, what does it do?

  52. What do you need if you want to use a computer?

  53. If you drop a feather and a rock, which one falls faster?

  54. When you add salt to boiling water, what does it do?

  55. What do you do if you see a fire?

  56. If you touch a cactus, what can happen?

  57. When you mix red and blue, what color do you get?

  58. What happens if you don't charge your phone?

  59. If you overeat sugar, what can happen to your health?

  60. If you don't drink enough water, how do you feel?

  61. When you turn on the TV, what appears on the screen?

  62. What do you need if you want to make a phone call?

  63. If you don't exercise regularly, how do you feel?

  64. If you press the play button, what happens to the music?

  65. When you mix flour and water, what do you get?

  66. What do you do if you get lost in a new city?

  67. If you touch a hot surface, what do you usually do?

  68. When you leave a banana out for a few days, what happens to it?

  69. What happens if you don't put gas in your car?

  70. If you touch a freezing metal object, how does it feel?

  71. What do you use if you want to read a book?

  72. What happens if you leave ice cream in the freezer for a long time?

  73. When you mix milk and cocoa powder, what do you make?

  74. What do you do if you spill a drink?

  75. If you touch a hot pan, what can happen?

  76. When you turn the key in the ignition, what starts?

  77. What happens if you don't take care of a plant?

  78. If you drop a ball into water, what does it do?

  79. When you add yeast to dough, what happens?

  80. What do you need if you want to watch a movie?

  81. If you don't clean your room, what does it become?

  82. When you mix lemon juice and baking soda, what reaction occurs?

  83. What do you do if you encounter a wild animal?

  84. If you touch a lit candle, what can happen?

  85. When you add sugar to tea, what do you usually do next?

  86. What happens if you don't lock the door?

  87. If you don't charge your laptop, what can happen?

  88. When you mix red and yellow, what color do you get?

  89. What do you need if you want to make a sandwich?

  90. If you don't turn off the stove, what can happen?

  91. When you touch an ice cube, what does it feel like?

  92. What happens if you don't water a plant for weeks?

  93. If you touch a sharp object, what might happen?

  94. When you mix water and oil, what do you observe?

  95. What do you do if you see a spilled liquid on the floor?

  96. What can happen to your skin if you don't wear sunscreen in the sun?

  97. When you add vinegar to baking soda, what occurs?

  98. What happens if you don't clean your teeth regularly?

  99. If you touch a hot drink, what do you usually do?

  100. When you turn on the fan, what happens to the air?