Transition Words for IELTS

IELTS ideas and transition words

Transition words and phrases can create powerful links between ideas in your writing/speaking and can help your IELTS examiner understand the logic of your writing/speaking.

Below I have organized some of the most common ones by category. 

Transitions enhance your logical organization and coherence and improve the connections between your thoughts.

You will gain points in both vocabulary and coherence by using transition words and phrases in your essays and speech. 

NOTE - There is a fine balance between using transitions and overusing them. While lower-grade students may find it easier to begin their sentences every time with the use of a transition, you should avoid this if you want to get a 6.5 or higher. Instead, you should also try to begin some of your sentences with nouns, pronouns, and adverbial phrases.

What is important in your writing is balance. Just like a top-level chef knows the right amount of salt and pepper to add, a top-level writer will know how to use transitions without overuse.


Transition words for IELTS and TOEFL


I hope that you have enjoyed reading this blog.  If you have any questions regarding the test or would like to inquire about my writing correction services or IELTS classes please email me at

Richard Forrest