100 Past simple questions for conversation | IELTS Speaking Skills

These questions should provide various topics and opportunities for engaging in conversations about past experiences with different subjects. Enjoy your conversations!

Did you watch a movie last night?

  1. When did your family go on vacation?

  2. Did she finish her project on time?

  3. What was the last book you read?

  4. When did they arrive at the party?

  5. Did you visit any museums during your trip?

  6. Where did he live before moving to this city?

  7. When did the concert start?

  8. Did you have a pet when you were a child?

  9. What did you do on your birthday last year?

  10. Did your friends come to your graduation ceremony?

  11. When did the internet become popular?

  12. Did you try any new foods on your last trip?

  13. What sports did you play when you were in school?

  14. Did you meet any famous people in person?

  15. When did you start learning to play an instrument?

  16. Did the weather affect your plans last weekend?

  17. What did you do after school yesterday?

  18. Did you see the sunrise this morning?

  19. When did you begin your first job?

  20. Did your parents buy you gifts on holidays?

  21. What was your favorite subject in high school?

  22. When did you find out about the news?

  23. Did you go to any concerts last year?

  24. Where did you go on your last road trip?

  25. Did you have any pets growing up?

  26. When did you move to your current house?

  27. Did you watch any sports games last week?

  28. What kind of movies did you enjoy as a child?

  29. When did you start using social media?

  30. Did you attend any parties last month?

  31. What did you eat for breakfast yesterday?

  32. When did you begin your fitness routine?

  33. Did you travel abroad during your summer break?

  34. What historical events did you learn about in school?

  35. Did you take any photographs on your last vacation?

  36. When did you realize your passion for a particular hobby?

  37. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend?

  38. What did you do on your last day off?

  39. When did you meet your best friend?

  40. Did you volunteer for any charity organizations in the past?

  41. When did you become interested in cooking?

  42. Did you watch any TV shows yesterday evening?

  43. What places did you visit on your last business trip?

  44. When did you start reading the newspaper regularly?

  45. Did you have a part-time job during college?

  46. What was the last concert you attended?

  47. When did you finish your last academic project?

  48. Did you have any hobbies as a teenager?

  49. What did you do for fun on weekends when you were younger?

  50. When did you get your first car?

  51. Did you attend any family gatherings recently?

  52. What historical sites did you visit on your last vacation?

  53. When did you learn to ride a bicycle?

  54. Did you play any musical instruments in school?

  55. What did you do on your last day of school?

  56. When did you start following a healthy diet?

  57. Did you watch any documentaries recently?

  58. What was the last play or musical you saw?

  59. When did you start learning a new language?

  60. Did you meet any interesting people at the event?

  61. What did you do at your friend's birthday party?

  62. When did you start working at your current job?

  63. Did you go to any amusement parks as a child?

  64. What did you do on your last family vacation?

  65. When did you start using a computer for the first time?

  66. Did you have any school trips when you were a student?

  67. What was the last museum you visited?

  68. When did you begin practicing a sport?

  69. Did you attend any music concerts last year?

  70. What did you do on your last day of summer vacation?

  71. When did you realize you wanted to pursue your career?

  72. Did you go to any parties over the holiday season?

  73. What kind of games did you play with your friends in the past?

  74. When did you start taking photography seriously?

  75. Did you visit any historical landmarks on your last trip?

  76. What was the last theater performance you watched?

  77. When did you adopt your first pet?

  78. Did you attend any workshops or seminars recently?

  79. What did you do on your last day of work?

  80. When did you start learning to drive?

  81. Did you go to any festivals or fairs this year?

  82. What was the last concert you bought tickets for?

  83. When did you realize you had a talent for something?

  84. Did you attend any family reunions in the past?

  85. What did you do on your last snow day?

  86. When did you start gardening or planting?

  87. Did you go to any sports events last season?

  88. What was the last TV series you binge-watched?

  89. When did you start collecting something?

  90. Did you attend any school dances or proms?

  91. What did you do on your last day of the year?

  92. When did you start attending yoga or fitness classes?

  93. Did you go to any comic conventions or expos?

  94. What was the last theme park you visited?

  95. When did you realize your love for a particular cuisine?

  96. Did you attend any job fairs in the past?

  97. What did you do on your last beach vacation?

  98. When did you start taking art classes?

  99. Did you attend any charity events recently?

  100. Did you attend any charity events recently?